Electricians in St. Johns Wood

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Customer reviews

Recently completed bookings in St. Johns Wood

Kristian B

NICEIC Reviewed

3nr new lights installed to kitchen ( 1 existing and 2 extras to be added to the same circuit - all on same switch), 2 number new lights installed to dining room (additional to existing light - using same switch) and 1 number light installed to lounge (8 bulb chandelier to replace existing light fitting). Light to lounge needs assembling, wiring supplied
Bromley Install new lights

Kieran M

NICEIC Reviewed

Replace a replacement light fitting
Twickenham Install new lights

Recent requests on Fixington:

rewire the whole house
Fit an outside waterproof double plug socket
When the light is switched on it makes the fuse trip, might have a short circuit
Cooker hood light and fan work intermittently, I think it is a loose connection
I need light to be tapped to a different part of the premises from the main light source
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