Plumbers in Potters Bar

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Customer reviews

Recently completed bookings in Potters Bar

Robert H

Gas Safe Engineer Reviewed

1. We have a large vertical radiator as part of our extension that just doesn't get hot properly when all other radiators are very hot. Maybe a balancing issue?2. Our toilet flush button gets stuck regularly after flushing. We had someone free it up a few months ago, but still doing it and ideally needs to be freed up / cleaned up bit more. Maybe limescale.
St Albans Radiator problems

"Really friendly heating engineer. Visited and sorted out (as well as educating us!) on our heating system - lovely warm house now! Also sorted out a toilet re-fill problem. Easy to book."
- Chris S, St Albans

Marcone M

NICEIC Reviewed

Leak from the connection between the toilet and the waste pipe
Watford Repair a leaking pipe

Recent requests on Fixington:

Installing washing machine
Have got new taps that need to be fitted to bath and wash basin
I'm looking for a apprenticeship
Little hot water flow
Kitchen sink blocked, despite using several products to shift it, plus the coat hanger trick, it is still completely blocked up. There is no u bend as such, more complicated construction, therefore cannot take apart myself.
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