Plumbers in King’s Cross

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Customer reviews

Recently completed bookings in King’s Cross

Marcone M

NICEIC Reviewed

I have 2 flats that I need a plumber and an electrician for.Flat 1 - Electric shower not working. Flat 2 - Leak from the toilet and boiler water outlet.
Acton Solve shower problems

Marcone M

NICEIC Reviewed

My tenants report a problem with the mixer tap in the bathroom sink - We noticed that there is a bit of leakage. Although this eventually stops, it seems to be getting worse and we’re concerned that eventually it will be impossible to turn the tap off.
Balham Repair or replace a tap

"Great service from the Fixington team. Booked two tradesmen, all easy to do online and with good availability. Jobs were complete two days later, and at half the cost of what my property management agency would have charged!"
- Gina P, Balham

Recent requests on Fixington:

. Toilet keeps refilling. Floating arm does stop refilling process and overflow in constant use. Modern 2 flush type toilet
Remove old kitchen tap. Fit a purchased standard chrome mixer tap .
Look at boiler, open sink plug, advise on water
new toilet basin needs to be installed
Water pressure is very low - bathroom tap
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