Electricians in Haringey

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Customer reviews

Recently completed bookings in Haringey

Nik H

NICEIC Reviewed

The hood light on our Indesit range hood has gone and the timer on the cooker too.
Stoke Newington Appliance problems

Jamie S

NICEIC Reviewed

Fixing two bathroom light switches
Putney Repair a light fitting

Recent requests on Fixington:

fix 2 ceiling spotlights that is not working + changing a electrical ceiling switch in the bathroom, one that is put on/off with a cord.
Outside light doesn't work
My electric exercise machine wouldn't switch on
remove electric radiators with but in plug and install new (alredy there) ones. replace all sockeys and light switches with new covers (to be provided, it's a one bedroom appartment so about 7+ 7). replace light with spotlights (already bought ).
Bathroom cabinet won't light up
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