Qualified Tradespeople

We check that everyone that receives a booking from one of our customers is qualified to do the work.


For electricians, our team have to be registered on a competent person scheme.

We’re sure that there are thousands of qualified electricians out there who aren’t registered on one of these schemes, as it’s fine for them to operate and carry out most electrical work without being registered. However, we do not accept electricians onto our service that aren’t.

The following schemes are most common for electricians: NICEIC, ELECSA, STROMA & NAPIT.

These schemes run inspections and checks every year to ensure that their electricians are compliant, and crucially, this allows their members (and our team) to sign off their own work without involving the local building control office.

For more information about the Part P regulations read more on The IET website.

Plumbers and Heating Engineers

We ensure that all of our plumbers and heating engineers are Gas Safe registered, as this is a legal requirement to work with Gas appliances, such as a boiler or gas hob. Since the majority of our heating jobs require a gas-fired heating system, either breakdown or new installation, all our heating team are Gas Safe registered.

Next: Reviewed Tradespeople